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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  January 27, 2011 2:00am-3:00am EST

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>> oops, we wonder if he had to use gps to find himself a hotel room last night. good luck, neil. we're closing down shop. thank you for being with us tonight. special thinks to breakers of palm beach, florida for hosting us tonight. until then keep it here on fox news chachblt the o'reillyo think an one. well, maybe not. >> glenn: welcome to the "glenn beck program." over christmas -- sorry, didn't mean to -- over winter solstice, president obama vacationed in hawaii. he was reading a book on president reagan. i saw that over vacation. he is a progressive who views the constitution with negative liberty. i have a hard time believing that he is reading ronald reagan but maybe he will get something out of it. that's great. i think the president did.
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much of the reagan talk last night in the "state of the union" didn't work, it rang hallow. because he was talking about merging, not reducing size of government agencies but merging them. like into a department of homeland security on steroids. that is great, when you take the words of ronald reagan and the progressive actions of woodrow wilson, this is what you get. this is why the whole thing didn't work last night. this is ronald reagan yumminess and this is woodrow wilson fish sticks. if you bake them together, it becomes something nobody wants to eat. i like cookies and i like fish sticks but they don't work together. this is the "state of the union" last night.
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i don't know what you saw but this was not a move to the middle in words. it might be cookies to you but it had fish in the cookies. campaign speech. change and hope. did we learn our lesson? this was as radical of a speech that the president has given. i'll show you why and what he should have said. i didn't forget about the chainsaw, the bunny or the tree either. c'mon, let's go! ♪ ♪ >> glenn: hello, america. every reaganesque ode to america last night was followed by a but, but, but,
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but bovt is the answer. we'll invest billions of dollars. we have to grow the size of government and merge government but it's really all about you and the entrepreneurial spirit of america. that didn't work for me. we heard how great china is. this is one of the first things that popped out of the screen. we should follow their lead on education and how they started educating children earlier and longer. oh, that's great! what could possibly go wrong with taking our kids away from mom and dad more of the day and putting them in the big government hands of teachers union? seriously. that has to be good. you watch, it's coming. obama said we should be like south korea where teachers are known as nation builders. i have don't want our
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soldiers known as nation builders. why would i want our teachers known as nation builders. here in america, he said, it's time we treat the people who educate our children with the same level of res spet speth -- of respect. i think when joe biden, he is looking over there going don't we already do that? do you know anybody who doesn't respect teachers? i feel bad for teachers, the good ones. we should fire the bad ones, which he wouldn't say last night. the good ones are stuck working the ones we can't fire. i feel bad for them. i feel bad because they're working with the parents, with the kids. the parents don't even care. i don't know how they do it! i've never heard anyone say this, well, i'm just a teacher. or she's just a teacher. i have haven't heard that. but i have heard -- well, she's just a mom. or the worst one. well, i'm just a mom. i hate that. i hate that.
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maybe we should elevate moms and dads. maybe the president should do more of this. this is him in the oval office. he's sleeping or reading the plaque. like who is that. or just thinking about abraham lincoln. i think he should observe abraham lincoln. abraham lincoln said everything i am, i owe my mother. even president obama knows this. he would agree he got a lot from his mother. his mother influenced him a great deal. he wrote about it, he wrote a whole book about his dad in "dreams from my father." don't tell me about more respect for the teachers. how about we elevate our parents? last night, you heard the president say things like we need to out-innovate, out-educate, out-build the rest of the world. we have to make america the best place on earth to do business. yes, we do! regulation ain't the way to do it.
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he is talking about, not you the individual. he's talking about the government. it's the opposite of what paul ryan said later. see if you feel a difference from the speech last night the president gave. just one part from paul ryan. >> the principles that guide us, they are anchored in the wisdom of the founders. and the spirit of the declaration of independence and the words of the american constitution. they have to do with the importance of limited government and with the blessing of self-government. we believe that the government has an important role to create conditions that promote entrepreneurship, upward mobility and individual responsibility. we believe as our founders did that the pursuit of happiness depends on individual liberty. individual liberty requires limited government. >> glenn: and personal responsibility. i think he actually believes that, which is why i thought it was effective last night.
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the best line out of the speeches last night, was that one. blessings of self-government. importance of limited government and the blessing of self-government. i didn't hear from the president. i heard words, cookies and fish sticks. the president talked again last night about how great china is, not just because of keeping their kids in the training camps. the schools. longer in the year. longer days. but this time, it was about how bad we are. because they're building faster choo-choo trains than we are here. he said, "our infrastructure used to be the best. our own engineers have graded our infrastructure with a "d" and we need to do better." okay. let's start here. china, of course, builds stuff with ease. they practically have what progressive used to call slave and child labor. so they don't have any environmental restrictions to
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worry about. they can dump poison in the river, and it doesn't really matter. what are you going to do? they don't care if they roll railroad tracks for new choo-choo trains right over caribou mating grounds and the slave labor and child labor camps. let's forget about that one. let's see. he was talking about giving more money to infrastructure. may i remind you, i heard this somewhere before. we looked it up. next, two years ago he said this. >> this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. >> glenn: ahhh. >> more than 90% of the jobs will be in the private sector. >> glenn: ahhh. >> rebuilding our roads and bridges, constructing solar panels. >> glenn: they're everywhere. it's crazy how it's -- i don't think any of it has been done. do you? that was the point of the whole trillion dollar stimulus, right? didn't we already spend $13 billion on fancy choo-choo trains last time?
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last night was all about unity. i didn't get my little ribbon. it was all about unity. i think we can all unite on one thing. america doesn't need any more choo-choo trains. enough. amtrak loses money on 41 of 44 routes. over $1 billion every year gone. you know why? nobody is riding it. making them faster isn't going to help. let me show you how the choo-choo train thing works. here is the tracks. look at this. fly california. isn't that nice? a carrie train. here in america, because that's what we're talking about. here in america, we have one set of tracks and a choo-choo train is carrying all of our stuff is using this track.
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so are the really fast bullet trains. oh. >> choo-choo! that is why we don't build them here. we have to lay another whole set of track for the fancy choo-choo train. also, if it doesn't go that way, then it would go this way. here is the choo-choo using the same tracks. bullet train going the same way. going really fast. not one not going fast. errrr! you see. i think we're going to take the jet airplane. because the choo-choo that goes fast and costs us money has to slow down. chug-chug-choo-choo. how do i know all this stuff?
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g.a.o. government accounting office, they can't put price on this. they say it will require new safety rules, new regulations. constant public capital investment and operating subsidiaries. constant. balance that with bright frail. the planning necessary to meet the concerns that the g.a.o. says. you can't trust this. only the government accounting office says hasn't ep occurred. choo-choo! let's fix reason firmly in her seat for a minute. look at the country like this. you're a shareholder. you're an owner. part owner. you hire this guy to run the country and he came in two years ago and said i know it's tough to swallow, because even dr. evil said $1 billion.
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no, that's not a lot of money. $100 billion. only tenth of a way to trillion. hard number to swallow but i need trillion dollars to fix the infrastructure and new choo choo trains. we'll do all kind of new green jobs. he knew then he'd have to come meet with you, the shareholder in two years. i would have said i have to face these people in two years and show them they invested $1 trillion to revolutionize something. what do i do? i got to knock -- i'm not going to knock it out of the park everywhere. but i have to knock it out of the park somewhere. can you help me with that so i don't look like a dummy two years later? shareholders expect a business plan. maybe return on trillion dollars. what does he do? no. uh-oh. where is the place he transformed. last night, i don't know if you heard it, i went like
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this. did he ask for double down on the stimulus? that's not a business model. that is suicide. if you want to talk about future being green jobs, you said it two years ago. do you remember this example? solindra. here he is. let me hold up this solar panel here. wow, it's quite light. that's fantastic. hmm, i think it is, light enough to be the future. green jobs are the answer! this company was fantastic. he did this story and he's bragging about it. two years ago. now don't you think that after learning so much stuff about this light black thing i'm holding up here and shaking that person's happened, don't you think that maybe i should come back to the american people, because i held it up, if we could help this company getting half a billion in
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stimulus money. i have to show them now. he didn't do that. that company had to lay off workers and close factoriries after getting half a billion dollars. that much of the company of the future. what did he do? he couldn't talk about that company so he gave a shout out. i'm not kidding you. to two guys in a shingle company. whoa! shingles? two guys and shingles. you are giving me the shingles, president obama. if i spend a trillion dollars, i need a full report on what the money is doing. charts and stats, the graphs. you know. not i got two guys and we're living the dream on your dime making shingles. not an investment. it's a scam. the president is going toip vest in biomedical research. can you find that in the
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constitution? information technology, especially clean energy and technology. take these apart one at a time. biomedical. maybe it's just me as american citizen but i don't want the government dabbling in creating our drugs, period. information technology, i don't know. i thought we're doing pretty good with steve jobs. bill gates is doing good. newcomers coming in the field all the time. i think we're good. have you seen the iphone? next to post office. i'm going with apple on that one. the internet bill that's pushed, with the kill switch so the president can shut down the internet anytime he feels it's necessary contains new language. they rejected it last time. this time they said designation of vital internet or other systems, shall not be subject to judicial review.
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that sounds great. then they didn't want the government involved. no judge can do anything about it. i'm in. how do i sign up? did the president say about tunisia? the will of the people was more powerful than the writ of dictator. i bet the will of the people win again. the president vilified oil company and wants us to stop using it to return to wind and solar. all we need are the light black solar thingies on the high-speed train. it will be great. it will be cost effective, too. we know that green energy isn't cost effective. how did the president last night decide to solve that problem? he wants to raise taxes and penalties on people using old
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fashioned technology. that sounds insane! let me show you how far away we are from using wind and solar panel. may i point this out. all the energy and the electricity we get, we get .6% from wind. for those who went to public school, that's less than 1%. how about solar. point 1%. those two combined, not 1% comes from solar or wind. we get 2% from wood. from wood!
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who decides the amish and brick oven pizza places are using this for energy? who? we get double the amount of energy with this than a new green solar and wind power. what do you say we work on that long every before we take oil away and coal? that is like our military trashing the fighter jets. the vehicle and the armor and if gps missiles and this stuff and say you foe what we're going to do? we are going to use the millennium falcon and our force for the primary defense. i got to point out, that was a movie. so was an inconvenient truth. i don't know how you spend vacation reading president reagan's words and missing the whole point but he did it. let me remind the words.
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mr. president, the government is not the solution to the problem. the government is the problem. let we the people sort it out. if someone creates cars that run on chief magic fairy dust, we'll all be driving fairy dust mobiles real fast. he tried to channel reagan and he said, "what america does better than anyone else is spark creativity and image of our people. we are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices. the nation of edison and wright brothers and google. do any of these people, were they working for government agency? were they getting subsidies? besides google, honestly. this is spooky. google is now partnered with the n.s.a. oh well, go back to sleep, america. in many cases, these guys, the government tried to shut the people down.
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let's not confuse thinkers and creators with the government. the government does not create. do i need to go over the trillion dollars we spent on the choo-choos and the infrastructure again? we could. how about the post office? no, i think you get it. back in a minute.
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>> glenn: here is the one thing that america should be debating. vigorously debating. can man rule himself? that is the american experiment. can man rule himself? if you answer yes, then you must answer this question. how? how can he? that's what the constitution were about and the federalist papers were about. that's what this is about. e-4. enlightenment, education, empowerment. a man can rule himself if he's enlightened, educated, empowered and entrepreneurial man. somebody who believes in creation, pursuing a happiness. that's the fourth "e." we have been doing it for 2 200s years. they don't like it. they want to stop it and move over man. we have to ask ourselves, right now, are we in a time
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of discretion or disturbance? we have a problem with our country. on yesterday's program, i made the environmentalists cry when we took a chainshaw to a tree. i had a bunny. watch. i wanted to show you the inside of this. i wanted to show you what the rings of the tree. most of us learned one time or another that each ring represents a year. have you looked at the rings of a tree lately? we have a close-up of another tree that is a better example. here it is. when a tree is healthy, the ridges look like this -- rings look like this. this is freaking me out. i'm getting sick, man. this is the beginning of the year. this is fall. this is one year. see how thick it is. now, if you go up here. it's hard to see on the screen. up here is a better one. when you go up here, they are
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very, very tight. here they are farther apart. here is one that's farther apart and one that is tight. what is that? when the rings get close together, the tree is going through a distress or drought or wildfire or insects or extreme weather. the rings are pulled together very, very tight. i don't know if you see the difference there. you know what it looks like. when times are good, when everything is going great and the tree has plenty of water and there is no insects or wildfire, it grows fast and expands and the rings are wider. what does it tell you? that means that mother nature even knows. tree knows more than the congress or president does. they adjust during the times. they hold back. if resources are limited or disstress.
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if the tree grows too rapidly, during stressful times and says i'm going to keep going, it's not able to hand the stress and it risks dying. it slows down to survive. one more example. you're flying a plane. when you hit turbulence, the first reaction for any pilot who is a new pilot is get flu it as quickly as possible. that is when they do that. they push up. when the plane increases its speed, it hits turbulence with more force and creates instability, putting more stress on the plane. what does an experienced pilot do? he knows the safest and best solution in turbulence is full back and slow the plane down. there is trouble and turbulence. slow it down. experience is the only thing that teaches pilots that.
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when you slow down, you have a better chance of not making any more mistakes and turbulence slows down. and you are going to be okay. when you are under stress, you slow down. you preserve your resources. what we have here in the nation is inexperienced pilots, which is probably what it is, because none of the guys ever worked in the private sector. or they are just pushing the tree to grow faster and expand for a reason that you're going to have to decide on. but what they do in washington isn't making sense. and we must not participate in that. we have to change our own light. if you want to fix it, we have to change our own light. you can see a tree analysis with the plane. they should slow down and cut the budget. that's not where i'm going tonight. something else needs to slow down. that is next.
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want to know what it's like to be glenn for a day? ice cream breaks and all. >> the guy who tries to keep me in shape, i'm loading up now before he comes;7 the
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u.s.? join me at the top of the hour for special report. back to glenn. ♪ ♪
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>> glenn: all right, we have to -- the whole world is telling us speed up, speed up. get bigger. get bigger. have more stuff. get more money. quick, make a decision. quick! it's insane. it's insane what we're doing. it's insane what i do. you and i respected any different. this is the average -- if you want to work in new york city, they say, you know, the old song, i didn't understand frank sinatra's song "new york, new york" until i moved here. if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. you know why? this is what i think. there are 5,000 people with knives their hands willing to
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stab you in back for whatever you do. there are 1,000 people in line that want your job. the average person that works in new york city, the people i know, this is their work schedule. they get up at 5:00 in the morning at a suburb. they wake up and take a shower and get dressed. they check their e-mail. they check the news and see what is going on. they leave the house at 6:00 a.m. ill takes an hour. hour and 15 minutes to get in maybe. if you take the train, maybe longer, hour and 30. you leave work, around 7:00 a.m. most people work until 7:00 p.m. they have to. if you want the promotion. there is 1,000 people ready to stand you in the back. you're not done. most people take their work
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home. i used to go oh, we have homework? you have homework every day. it's called life. you're back home at 8:15. you arrive home and everything is like ahhh. i love this. i really -- then you have dinner. which makes you put on the extra weight there, because you're eating after 8:00 p.m. but you don't really have a choice. you read the story to your kids and give them a bath and put them down. at 9:00, you have wife stuff. your stuff. teenager stuff. oh, if you are lucky enough to put the kids down by 9:00. that's fantastic. later they grow up to teenagers and it never ends. anyway, you have to talk to your wife. she has to download -- you don't ep listen to me anymore. you listen to her. usually if she is like my wife she speaks very slowly.
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and thinks about things. well, i also -- and you're like i've got ten minutes. just tell me. wife stuff. your stuff. teenager stuff. and then at midnight you go to sleep. just to do it all over again. isn't it fantastic? this is not the pursuit of happiness. that ain't it. we do this now. we do this now. we think we have to. i know why i do my job. i know why i do my job. i will do it until i don't think i make a difference anymore. that's why i do a schedule very similar to this. 50% of your day is working.
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20% of your day is sleeping. 10% of your day is commuting. the rest of it is eating, teenager stuff, your stuff, your wife stuff, just catching up on e-mail. that's it. so what do you do? how can you possibly slow down? you've got to meet the bills, do this, do that. my favorite is after about 9:30, i'm -- i start feeling guilty. i haven't done any church stuff yet. oh, yeah! it's enough to drive you nuts. so what do you do? i suggest you don't compartmentalize your life. right now we have compartments. where we're at work. and then we have our family stuff. where is the god stuff?
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where is the good stuff? where is the volunteer? i actually had somebody say you know what? i just want to spend more of my time, i'd like to volunteer my time during the day. i'm like ahh -- i think he's as busy as i am. i'm like how do you do that? i want to be more charitable. it's easy for me to write a check. i can write a check. and i do write checks. that doesn't change me. the i.r.s., writing a check and then claiming that's charity, that changes me. but that doesn't change me. i do have to volunteer my time. so how the heck do you do it? let me give you that next. 1ñ@vç
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>> glenn: this something i've been thinking and a friend shared with me this weekend. it kind of all fell together for me. i don't think we're that much, i don't think we're that different. i think we have a lot in common. but it's the big stuff we have in common. you may work a lot longer than i do. you may be -- i'm honestly the luckiest man in the world.
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i do my job because i believe in what i'm doing. i love a lot of my job. i hate a lot of my job. i do it because i believe in it. most americans do it because they have to. most americans, you don't have a choice. most americans are working two jobs and their schedule is much, much worse than this. they come home from one job, rest, see the kids and then go to another job. it's bad. it's bad. the first thing we have to do is prioritize. this is my priority. god, family, country; stuff. stuff is like -- really? okay. i don't have to, i don't have to do the stuff. i stopped caring -- carrying a phone. because you know what it does? do you remember when the answering machine used to be something that we were like
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oh, good. we have an answering machine. now don't you get home and at least i do, i come home and it's always full. it just says "f" on it. i'm like yeah, i'm not even going to listen. i don't really -- i'm not going to waste my time. i'd rather have my wife -- i mean, if i could listen to the answering machine in one ear, which i believe i could do, listen in one ear and my wife saying and you know, another thing that happen happened -- oscar, your wife is like that, too? see! they're not that different. i got rid of the answering machine and the phone. i don't really care. we have to do that. because we have to prioritize. so work, you do it because you believe it or you must. charity. you believe it or you just pay, the i.r.s. is your charity. i don't think that's charity. you do charity because you
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believe it. how are you going to help others? there are two things. one, compartmentalize. this is something that has always bothered me. people that actually believe you can be one person at work and another person in your personal life. i don't get it. i was that many, many years. it ends in following asleep in your own vomit. i doesn't work out well. it never ends well. i tried it for 35 years of my life. we had it in the clinton years. he could be a good guy. no, forget his personal life, it has to be a part of it. you have to look at the total. this is you at 5:00 a.m.
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this is also you at noon. this is you when you arrive back home. it's you. so who are you? enlightenment. who are you? what is important to you? education. who are you? you can't compartmentalize. here is how you do other things that are important. charity, and work go together. they go together. i wrote this down. the middle seat. if we find out who we are, if we educate ourself, if we empower ourself, if we're not afraid of the stupid stuff in life, if we are disconnected from the stupid stuff of life, stupid stuff of life.
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everything you didn't think was important on september 11. i want you tonight to go back and think about all the thi things that you thought of on september 11. if you're like me, you thought of only two things. where are my children? where is my family? what is going to happen. and we held on to each other. we comforted each other. our family was our first thought. the next thing was our country. and we realized how fragile we were. in that day, whether people want to admit it or not, they actually came back to this one.
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that's why everybody went to church on sunday. we prioritized. all of this stuff didn't matter. your car could have gone up in flames and you would have been it doesn't matter. i got my family. do you remember when we used to on that week of september 11, we comforted total strangers. i want to take a quick break. when i come back, i want to tell you my middle seat theory. next. hi. you know, i can save you 15% today
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>> glenn: the theme of the program every day is can man rule himself? yes, he can. if he is enlightened, educated, empowered, entrepreneurial man. in america, we have become about bigger, better and faster. look at this. this is such bernays stuff. this is what you see on every box. bigg bigger, better, faster, new.
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bigger is not necessarily better. better is not necessarily better. new is not necessarily better. what do you do? we all want to fix our country. we're all a little overwhelmed. how do we fix the country? this sounds like nonsense, but may i suggest that you look at your schedule, you look at your life. look at what your priorities are. work the program. the "e" program. find out who you are and what is real in your life and what is meaningless stuff. does the answering machine matter? unplug it. we were fine without it. better versus best. you'll be left with things like that is a good thing. is there anything better? then be of good character. this is how you merge things.
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this is how you merge your life. the biggest problem we have with our country is we don't trust anybody, we don't believe that character matters anymore. inside we all do. inside we're all the people we were on 9.12. but nobody is that anymore. be of good character. if you want to change the world, start here. not here. start here. you get here and then you get to character. then the middle seat. you have want to feed everybody? you want to make sure that everybody has held, everybody has a good clean place to sleep? it's middle seat. on september 11, whether on a bus or a train, you wouldn't have left, now we sit again with that middle seat. we're like don't sit here, don't sit here. we do. don't sit here. on september 12, c'mon, sit down, we have room. then you talk to a stranger.
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it didn't matter if he smelled like urine. you talked to him. if you saw someone crying on the street it didn't matter what they looked like. you talked to them. you want to fix the country, we have to fix ourself. we have to fix the middle seat, the weird thing that we all have with the middle seat. on 9.12, that week of september 11, if people were se ♪ fare thee well ♪ farewell ♪ mr. gloom be on your way ♪ ♪ though you haven't any money you can still be bright and sunny ♪ ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪
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♪ hah
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